Aki Na Ukwa 1 & 2

Download Aki na Ukwa 1 & 2

Aki Na Ukwa is a movie that portrays 2 sons not wanting any woman to take the position of their mother after her demise and also disrupting the peace of the community they live in.

This movie is directed by Amayo Uzo Philips.

Watch And Download Aki Na Ukwa 1 & 2

The Real Aki And Paw Paw Comedy Movie (By Popular Demand) - A Nigerian Movie

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It also supports subtitles if stated on the post (Subtitle: English).

Aki Na Ukwa movie file Information:
File Format: 360p (Mp4)
File size: 608.1mb

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Aki and Pawpaw new movie 2022

Aki Na Ukwa Part 1 StoryLine

Aki Na Ukwa are brothers who do things together in the village. They lived with their father after the demise of their mother.

Aki and Ukwa will do anything to make sure that their father does not love or marry any other woman apart from their mother who died while giving birth to them.

Aki Na Ukwa tried everything within their power to frustrate their father from getting a wife that will replace their mother since she is no more.

Their school teacher Miss. Gladis was a lady with discipline and a no-nonsense teacher. They never liked her because of how she normally disciplined them due to their bad behavior.

Unfortunately for them, their father fell in love with Miss. Gladis after Aki Na Ukwa was beaten and sent back home for disobeying the teacher.

Their father was very angry as to why any teacher will flog his sons. With the anger inside him, he asked the sons to take him to Miss. Gladis’s house to know why she beat his sons.

The very moment Aki Na Ukwa’s father set his eyes on miss Gladis was the very moment he fell in love with her and he forgot the reason he came to miss. Gladis house.

Aki Na Ukwa’s Father and Miss Gladis started seeing each other which did not go down well with the sons knowing fully well how disciplined the teacher is.

They started plotting how to spoil the relationship between their father and Miss. Gladis, The moment they heard that their father wants to marry Miss. Gladis.

Their plot really frustrated their father after Aki Na Ukwa asked their best friend ‘Doucas’ to fall in love with their father. That way their father will not marry Miss. Gladis anymore.

Doucas is an imbecile who is a friend to Aki Na Ukwa. She can do anything for them. Doucas doesn’t play or joke with them. She can kill or steal for Aki and PawPaw just to make them happy always.

Aki Na Ukwa Part 2 StoryLine

Their father got tired of them, the villagers also got tired of them. They threw them out of the village to go and look for another village to live in.

They picked up their bags and headed to their mother’s sister’s house after their father and the villagers threw them out.

One would think that they will change their behavior. Their behavior did not change. in fact, that is where the movie started getting intense and interesting.

Aki Na Ukwa is the first movie that Chinedu Ikedieze and Osita Iheme will feature in. The movie was shot in and released in 2002.

If you are wondering how they started answering the name Aki and Pawpaw, this is the movie that gave them that name.

Aki and Paw are Planning to release another version of this movie on the 17th of Dec. Watch it here AKI AND PAWPAW Interview On Latest Movie This Dec 2021

Aki Na Ukwa Cast 1 & 2

These are Aki Na Ukwa characters that played important roles in the movie:

  1. Chinedu Ikedieze
  2. Osita Iheme as Pawpaw
  3. Oby Kechere as Miss. Gladis
  4. Amaechi Munargor as Mbakwe
  5. Frances Nsokwu as Dorcas

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How did Pawpaw and Aki meet?

The producer of Aki Na Ukwa Kasvid who is currently late, connected both Aki and Paw Paw together. Then, Aki, and Paw Paw were still undergraduates at the Institute of Management Technology, Enugu State. Kasvid saw Aki and liked him, and immediately he connected both Aki and Pawpaw together. After then, they shot their first movie together, Aki Na Ukwa. Ever since then, they have been friends.

How old is Aki and ukwa?

Aki is 44 years old while Ukwa which is Pawpaw is 40 years old. The movie Aki Na Ukwa was produced by Chukwuka Emelionwu in 2002 and is now 20 years old.

Who is older between Aki and Pawpaw?

Aki was born on the 12th of  Dec 1977 while Pawpaw was born on the 20th of February 1982. Aki is 44 years old while Pawpaw is 40 years old. So going by the figures and date to which Aki and Pawpaw were given birth to,  Aki is older than Pawpaw with 4 years age gap.

Are Aki and PawPaw Brothers?

Aki and Pawpaw are not brothers. They only have the same height and act together in movies. One could mistake both of them for brothers, but they are from 2 different families. Aki is from Iluoma Uzuakoli, Bende, Abia State, Nigeria. While PawPaw is from Mbaitoli, Imo State, Nigeria.

Is Aki and Ukwa still alive?

Aki and Ukwa are still very much alive. You can catch up with Aki (Chinedu Ikedieze) on African Magic Family on DSTV Mon – Fri, every 8:30 pm – 9:00 pm if you are in Nigeria. While Ukwa (Paw Paw) is going about his business and acting new movies.

Where can I watch Aki Na Ukwa Complete Movie?

Do you want to watch and download Aki Na Ukwa Movie on your Computer or Mobile/Tab? Follow the below steps on how to download and watch the Aki Na Ukwa.

We have compiled a simple way how to download the Aki Na Ukwa movie on v9ja.net.

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