Latest Nollywood Movies
Selina Tested Episode 12 (Sakrakum Part 2)
Chiboy's sister and the mother meet on the other side of the world. Is that the reason she decided to die? find out below! Selina...
Selina Tested Episode 11 (Sakrakum)
Sibi, the killer of Chiboy's mother is looking for a way out of the mess he has put himself into. Will his plan work? ...
Selina Tested Episode 10 (Alinement)
Is this the episode where Aboy and Chiboy will finally put aside their riffs and look for who killed Chiboys mother? find out below! Selina...
Selina Tested Episode 9 (Aline)
Aboy found a new girlfriend as the spirit tormenting Aboy, leads the girl to Aboy's house. Does that mean Aboy and the girl (new...
Selina Tested Episode 8 (The Hit part 2)
Spirit continues to hunt Aboy as Chiboy continues to find the killer of his mother. What does the spirit want from Aboy? Find out...